Curtin University Creative Writing

Undergraduate CUR-CWG-DEG-2021

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

For creative writers in the digital age

Explore styles including poetry and short fiction. Choose from electives including screen and digital. Prepare for real employment outcomes in writing, editing and publishing. Study creative writing online and transition to an online writing career.

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Start your career with Curtin's globally recognised courses and extensive industry connections. Through OUA, our online courses offer an interactive and collaborative learning experience that gets you the same degree as if you studied on campus. Curtin is a global university with a vibrant culture of innovation and collaboration and is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide.

Times Higher Education Ranking 2022

  • 2021
  • 2022

Degree structure

Degree details

At the completion of this degree students will be able to:

  1. identify, explain and apply the key disciplinary concepts in Creative Writing
  2. integrate theory and creative practice; conceive, develop and evaluate innovative new writing
  3. access and evaluate the sources, authority and relevance of information and synthesise key facts, themes and ideas in writing

  4. communicate ideas to a range of audiences and in a variety of media and genres

  5. use technologies to access resources, communicate effectively and develop writing and research skills

  6. use disciplinary skills and knowledge to learn how to learn, and apply these insights to new writing and to the different intellectual and professional roles required of a writer in the broader community

  7. acknowledge the interrelationship between local, national and global perspectives and the impact of this on writing and the creative industries

  8. value a range of cultural knowledge and take care to represent these, where appropriate, in an ethical and professional manner

  9. work independently and/or collaboratively to produce innovative and informed creative writing that contributes meaningfully to contemporary culture.

Graduates will be equipped with relevant industry skills specific to careers as: writer, editor, publisher.

Higher education via OUA

Successful study through OUA – either:

  • Successful completion of four OUA degree level subjects at pass level (this satisfies the English language proficiency requirement) OR
  • Successful completion of two OUA degree level subjects with separate evidence of English proficiency is required.

Higher education

  • Successful completion of one full time semester (four standard subjects) towards an Undergraduate or higher level of study at an Australian University (separate evidence of English proficiency is not required).​

Secondary education

  • Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) 70 or equivalent. Students must have English ATAR, Literature ATAR or English as an Additional Language/Dialect ATAR. To determine your eligibility for entry please refer to Interstate Year 12 and IB Students, TISC Tertiary Institutions Service Centre link

VET studies

  • Completion of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma or Advanced Diploma or Associate Diploma. You may also be eligible for credit toward your university study.
  • Completion of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate IV and evidence of English proficiency.

Work and Life

  • Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). (Please note this test is valid for two years.)
  • Finished secondary education more than two years ago
  • Bridging and enabling degree entry
    • Curtin Enabling Program: UniReady -
  • Enabling degrees completed through other Australian Universities which meet minimum entry requirements for that institution will be accepted as minimum entry requirements for this degree.

Additional information

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: Centre for Aboriginal Studies -
  • Domestic applicants with overseas qualifications -

English Proficiency Requirements

Applicants need to meet Curtin's English Language requirements. You normally need ONE of the following:

  • Must have a 50% minimum in English ATAR (or equivalent).
  • Completion of at least one full time semester (or equivalent) of Undergraduate level studies at an Australian University
  • Completion of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma or Advanced Diploma or Associate Diploma
  • Successful completion of two degree level subjects via Open Universities Australia (OUA) and English proficiency
  • Successful completion of two degree level subjects at an Australian university and English proficiency
  • Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). (Please note this test is valid for two years.)

Please refer to the 'Minimum English Language Proficiency Requirements' document at

*** Please Note: If any academic or legal document is not in English, you must provide a colour scan of the non-English documents, including a colour scan of the official English translations of these documents. This is for comparison purposes. ***

Credit for Recognised Learning (CRL) is assessed on individual merit and is awarded for different types of learning, for example, studies you have previously completed or for relevant work experience.

Students must be admitted in an award degree of study before lodging their completed CRL application, along with all required supporting documentation for a formal assessment.

To apply for CRL, please visit the Curtin University website:

It is important to note accepted documentation includes scans of the original Transcripts and/or Award Certificate; front and back; in colour; and original size. For further information see the scanned documents and certification requirements and guidelines.

More information about the policies and procedures related to CRL assessment and appealing a CRL assessment outcome can be found in the Credit for Recognised Learning manual (PDF).

If you have any questions, please contact

If you like to express yourself creatively through writing, the Creative Writing degree will help enhance your skills across a range of writing styles, such as fiction, poetry and writing for performance, as well as emerging and experimental genres. You'll be encouraged to improve your critical awareness and develop all the relevant professional skills required  of an author in the digital age. Each week, you will benefit from the advice and support of our tutors, many of whom are acclaimed authors, and through critical engagement with a talented peer group. Your lecturers and tutors will also advise you on processes that will prepare you to seek publication for your work.   Curtin's creative writing graduates have had consistent success in national literary awards and publishing. The content of the major creates employment outcomes across a broad range of communications-related fields and will allow you to develop applicable language skills and conceptual understandings that will be useful across a range of other academic disciplines.

Award Requirements

To obtain the award for the Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing), students must complete a total of 23 subjects (22 single EFTSL and 1 double EFTSL subjects = 600 credits) as follows:

Level One (200 credits)

  • APC100 Academic and Professional Communications (25 credits)
  • COM155 Culture to Cultures (25 credits)
  • CWG100 Creative Writing (25 credits)
  •  PWP110 Introduction to Writing (25 credits)
  • Four elective subjects (25 credit each = 100 credits)

Levels Two and Three (400 credits)

  • Complete four level two major subjects (100 credits) AND
  • Three level three major subjects (two 25 credit each = 50 credits, one 50 credits) AND
  • Eight elective subjects (200 credits)

Note: The OUA electives must be completed at an undergraduate level.

We recommend that all students, as soon as they are eligible, should apply for and take a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP). However, if you choose not to be a CSP student, please contact OpenCurtin via email to

2020 Changes:

Degree structure changes

From SP1 2020, students completing the Bachelor of Arts, (Creative Writing) major will be required to transition to the new degree structure as detailed below.

Level 1:

  • Two humanities core subjects; APC100 and COM155,
  • Two Creative Writing major subjects; CWG100 and PWP110
  • Four Elective subjects

Level 2:

  • Four Creative Writing major subjects; CWG200, CWG210, CWG220 and CWG240, and
  • Four Elective subjects

Level 3:

  • Four Creative Writing subjects; CWG300 OR CWG320, CWG310 and CWG340 (double subject), and
  • Four Elective subjects

Creative Writing Subject Changes

  • Humanities Core Level 1 option subjects MCA100 and MED104 will be offered for the last time in SP1 and SP3, 2020. Students who have previously completed these have these subjects credited towards their degree.
  • Humanities Core Level 1 option subjects MCA110 and MCA120 are no longer available as of SP1 2020. Students who have previously completed these have these subjects credited towards their degree.
  • CWG330 has been restructured from a level 3 subject to a level 2 subject CWG240.

Existing students will need to select from the available subjects to complete the BA (Creative Writing) major.

Curtin University is committed to the fundamental principle that, no matter which major structure students choose to stay in or transition into, students will not be disadvantaged in their education. Curtin University is committed to discussion and consultation and would welcome your email or phone contact at any time to ensure you are fully informed and understand the changes.

Students with enquiries please email:

MCASI Student services:

You can apply direct through Open Universities Australia.

Once you've checked your eligibility, apply and enrol for this degree following the steps. This degree also allows you to get started with Open access.

Choose subjects to begin your application. You can choose 1 or 2 subjects to start.


Choose how you want to start

You can apply for the full degree or if you want to start with Open access, enrol into the subjects using the "Single subjects" option.

You can apply for the degree later and the subjects may be credited towards the degree.

Provide your details and select a funding option. You can pay up-front or apply for government funding in your application.

We're here to help answer your questions. Our friendly student advisors provide 7 day support.

This degree offers Open access entry, exclusive to Open Universities Australia.

There's more than one way to get a degree. Open access allows you to start with single subjects as a way into eligible degrees, regardless of your study history.

Enrol into and complete the required Open access subjects to earn entry in this degree. Most subjects have no entry requirements, are fully government funded (if you're eligible) and may be credited when you start the degree.

The best part? You can enrol and get started with single subjects now.

Curtin University Creative Writing


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