Minecraft Pocket Edition How to Not Get Lost
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Minecraft Pocket Edition How to Not Get Lost
Source: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-pocket-edition/mcpe-discussion/2145877-lost
#1 Jul 18, 2014
im lost in my world i dont know the way to go back to my house is there any solutions besides dying and respawning to my house? i dont wanna lose all the coals and irons i farmed while roaming the map caves o.o, sorry it was just my first time to play with the new update 0.9.0 on android...
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#2 Jul 18, 2014
We've been discussing this issue here, and there just isn't anything in-game that can help without modding. Unfortunately if your'e lost, you're lost. If you built your house near the original spawn point you can make a compass and it'll lead you back to the original spaw npoint and you could find your house from there. If not, you're kind of out of luck save for wandering until you see something familiar.
I made that mistake in the first infinite 0.9 world I made. I wandered away from the original spawn point and set up base at a village. I tried making markers and stuff to find my way back but it got to be too much. So I just started new world until i found one with a spawn point I liked and made that my homestead. So whenever I'm lost I just follow the compass back home.
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Formerly known as ORabbit around these parts.
#3 Jul 18, 2014
This happens to my friends COUNTLESS times. She just makes a new house wherever she is. Like ORabbit said, try to make a compass to go back to the spawn point, and find your house from there.
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^^^^ Click it! You know you want to...
#4 Jul 18, 2014
Yeah I deleted my first infinite world because I got horribly lost.
Whenever I'm in a cave I use torches to light my way and help me get out. I also found a village right next to my spawn point, and built a compass pretty much right away.
Wonder if/when Mojang will let us use maps in PE.
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#5 Jul 18, 2014
So yeah, I did what u guys said. I made a new world and built my house near the spawn point,made a compass. I tried to roam and farmed some items, I followed the compass and I returned safely to my house
Thank you all
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#6 Jul 19, 2014
Easiest way ever!
1.Start a new world in creative.
2.Go anywhere and by anywhere i mean anywhere.
3.Build a house or a base.
4.Stay inside the house/base and quit.
5.Download PocketInvEditor.(You can edit gamemode,world name,edit inventory,set spawn,teleport!Even on the lite version!)
6.Select your world then go to Edit World Info, there should be an option for set spawn.click it and your spawn point will be changed.
7.Then if you want to change your world to survival,go to Edit World Info then click on change gamemode.t
8.Then be sure to change inventory.Select your world and then then click on edit inventory.I added a 255 of diamond blocks,gold blocks,coal blocks,lapis blocks and everything:D
Then open MCPE and start your new world.And you can change terrain generator to.K cya.
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#8 Jul 20, 2014
Yeah,me too...i was nearly lost when i explored that infinite world...the key is make sure you mark your way,either it's dirts,or something else
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#9 Jul 20, 2014
Hei, i'm using it to make time cycle (day and night) on my creative mode world hahaha lol
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#11 Jul 23, 2014
if your house is near spawn make a compass and follow it.
Hope this helped!
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#12 Jul 23, 2014
There is really no way to get back to your house without dying unless you have commands so u can /kill yourself so you will die but keep your stuff. Keep in mind I "think" you keep your stuff doing /kill. OOOOOO ALSO YOU CAN USE A COMPASS
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#13 Jul 24, 2014
I would just follow everyone's advice - make a compass and go back to spawn point and build there. I had to help my boyfriend do that because he got terribly lost
Luckily his castle was already at spawn point
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