Minecraft Stop Mobs From Spawning in Certain Areas World Edit

Table of Contents

Example 1: Mostly natural mobs with a rare boss

These examples were written prior to 2.3 and thus the "ADD" action referenced here is meant to work with the old random spawn system that adds to mobs spawned by minecraft


As a server owner you have a mining world where players go to mine resources to take back to their their protected plots to build creations. You want to increase the danger of going out into this world by using Mythic Mobs to occasionally spawn powerful boss creature instead of a normal mob. This boss might drop some interesting gear or rare blocks like diamond or gold.


1. We want there to be a boss that spawns above ground, and a boss that spawns below ground.

2. All other mob spawns should be natural mobs.

Worldname: MiningWorld

Outside Spawns

  • Skeletal Fire Wizard (1% chance)

Inside Spawns

  • Skeletal Necromancer (1% chance)


1. We are using RandomSpawners so first thing we need to do is ensure that mob spawning is enabled in our world.

  • If you already have natural mobs spawning in your world, then you know this is enabled already.
  • If not, check the following sections: Open the server.properties file and ensure that Spawn-Monsters is set to true. Restart your server after editing to update this. Next you want to go to your world and run /gamerule doMobSpawning true to ensure that this rule is working.

2. Next we need to setup two powerful boss creatures. Configure your bosses using the other areas of the MythicMobs manual. For this instance well use our Skeletal Fire Wizard mob for the above ground boss and the Skeletal Necromancer for the below ground boss. Both mobs can be found under the example mobs section of the manual.

3. We create our RandomMobSpawner configurations

SkeletalWizard_Fire_Random:   Mobname:SkeletalWizard_Fire   Worlds: MiningWorld   Chance: 0.01   Priority: 1   Action: REPLACE   Conditions:   - outside true
SkeletalNecromancer_Random:   Mobname:SkeletalNecromancer   Worlds: MiningWorld   Chance: 0.005   Priority: 1   Action: REPLACE   Conditions:   - inside true


1. Minecraft will decide to spawn a mob in MiningWorld world.

2. MythicMob's RandomSpawner functionality kicks in and begins to determine what type of mob will spawn.

3. If the mob spawns outside then the SkeletalWizard_Fire_Random randomspawner will roll a die to see if it should spawn. If it rolls correctly it will.

4. If the mob spawns inside then the SkeletalNecromancer_Random randomspawner will roll a die to see if it should spawn. If it rolls correctly it will.

5. If neither boss spawns then a natural mob will spawn instead.

Example 2: Populating Adventure Area (Only MythicMobs)


As a server owner you have created an overland area that you want to be setup for adventuring where players can kill special MythicMobs that spawn and drop unique items. You want only Mythic Mobs to spawn and natural mobs should not.

The area you setup includes a forest biome and a snowy biome.


1. Only Mythic Mobs should spawn.

2. There should be a chance to spawn a boss mob in either biome of the area.

3. If the boss does not spawn then each biome should have a set of different mobs to spawn randomly.

Adventure Area

Adventure Area Mobs

  • Abominable Snowman (1% chance)

Forest Biome Only Mobs

  • Large Spider (25% chance)
  • Minor Earth Elemental (25% chance)
  • Greater Earth Elemental (25% chance)
  • Black Wolf (25% chance, default spawn)

Snowy Biome Only Mobs

  • Frost Spider (25% chance)
  • Minor Frost Elemental (25% chance)
  • Greater Frost Elemental (25% chance)
  • White Wolf (25% chance, default spawn)


1. We are using RandomSpawners so first thing we need to do is ensure that mob spawning is enabled in the new adventure area of our world.

  • If you already have natural mobs spawning in your world, then you know this is enabled already.
  • If not, check the following sections: Open the server.properties file and ensure that Spawn-Monsters is set to true. Restart your server after editing to update this. Next you want to go to your world and run /gamerule doMobSpawning true to ensure that this rule is working.

2. Next we need to define our region using WorldEdit. Select the positions for the region then run /region define AdvRegion to define it for our use below.

3. Setup the 8 normal mobs and 1 boss mob. Follow other sections of the manual to create these.

4. We create our RandomMobSpawner configurations:

Entire Adventure Area

AbominableSnowman:   Mobname: AbominableSnowman   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.01   Priority: 100   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true
Forest Biome Only
LargeSpider:   Mobname: LargeSpider   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.25   Priority: 2   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true   - biome{b=forest} true MinorEarthElemental:   Mobname: MinorEarthElemental   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.25   Priority: 2   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion}   - biome{b=forest} GreaterEarthElemental:   Mobname: GreaterEarthElemental   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.25   Priority: 2   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion}   - biome{b=forest} BlackWolf:   Mobname: BlackWolf   Worlds: world   Chance: 1   Priority: 1   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true   - biome{b=forest} true
Snowy Biome Only
FrostSpider:   Mobname: FrostSpider   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.25   Priority: 2   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true   - biome{b=snowy} true MinorFrostElemental:   Mobname: MinorFrostElemental   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.25   Priority: 2   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true   - biome{b=forest} true GreaterFrostElemental:   Mobname: GreaterFrostElemental   Worlds: world   Chance: 0.25   Priority: 2   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true   - biome{b=snowy} true WhiteWolf:   Mobname: WhiteWolf   Worlds: world   Chance: 1   Priority: 1   SpawnMethod: replace   Conditions:   - region{r=AdvRegion} true   - biome{b=snowy} true


This is a bit more complicated of a setup so lets take a look at what is happening here.

1. Minecraft will decide to spawn a mob in the AdvRegion region.

2. MythicMob's RandomSpawner functionality kicks in and begins to determine what type of mob will spawn.

3. All RandomMobSpawners will roll a die to determine if they choose to spawn.

4. If The AbominableSnowman (with priority 100) rolls correctly it will spawn no matter the outcome of any of the other spawners because it has the highest priority.

5. If the mob spawns in a forest biome it will only take into account the randomspawners with forest as a biome condition.

6. For the forest biome, it will roll for all the mobs with priority 2. (Large Spider, and the elementals)

7. Whichever mob rolls correctly will spawn.

8. If no mob rolls correctly then it will roll for the Black Wolf spawner which is priority 1 (the loweest) and 100% chance so that will spawn by default.

9. If the mob spawns in a snowy biome it will only take into account the randomspawners with snowy as a biome condition.

10. For the snowy biome, it will roll for all the mobs with priority 2. (Frost Spider, and the elementals)

11. Whichever mob rolls correctly will spawn.

12. If no mob rolls correctly then it will roll for the White Wolf spawner which is priority 1 and 100% chance so that will spawn by default.

13. Note that this is configured in this manner to ensure that a MythicMob always spawns. Many people think that setting all spawners to a combined 100% chance will ensure that natural mobs do not spawn. This is not the case due to the way the plug in works. There is always a rare chance that each roll for each spawner will fall to hit its mark and so Minecraft will fall back on a naturally spawned mob in this instance. This is why we have a 3rd priority mob that is set to 100% as a default.

tutorials/randomspawns.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/30 21:13 (external edit)

Minecraft Stop Mobs From Spawning in Certain Areas World Edit

Source: https://www.mythicmobs.net/manual/doku.php/tutorials/randomspawns

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